Wind Ridge International
ICD-10 Comparison

The deadline for conversion to ICD-10 clinical coding is October 1, 2014. In February 2013 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently sent a letter to AHIMA President Kathleen A. Frawley stating that they will not change the implementation date. ICD-10 is currently used in almost every country in the world except the United States. It is the most radical change to the healthcare industry in 20 years.

ICD-9 to ICD-10 Comparison

The following table gives a summary comparison between ICD-9 and ICD-10.

ICD-10 PCS (Treatment)
13,600 codes 69,833 codes 71,918 codes
Exact map 3,533 47
Approximate map 61,820 69,800
Combination 3,811 2,071
No map 669 0
Numeric E & V Alpha/Numeric - Always starts with letter - No V codes Alpha/Numeric - Always starts with letter
5 digits long 7 digits long 7 digits long

Major Concerns

  • Productivity losses expected to range from 10% to 50%
  • Increased coding backlog & time requirements to assign codes
  • Increased Discharged Not Final Billed (DNFB) and AR days
  • Decreased ability to assign codes from memory
  • Increased anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology requirements
  • Coder shortage
  • ICD-9 to ICD-10 mapping and dual processing during implementation
  • End-to-end testing (This is now a mandatory major activity under the Affordable Care Act.)
  • Up to 12 months lead time from planning through testing and implementation
  • Testing of software and application updates and changes
  • Training and education of all personnel involved in coding, including the changes to documentations and forms
  • Workflow and process changes required by conversion

Strategic Alliance

Wind Ridge International, LLC, Integritas Solutions, and Rice Consulting have formed a strategic alliance to provide a full range of services to help you have a successful implementation. Our proprietary software allows us to analyze up to one year of your actual data, map the ICD-9 codes, by preparing entity, to ICD-10 codes, and provide an assessment of risk.

Our services include:

  • Assessment—Conversion readiness, test readiness, and risk
  • Planning—Conversion, testing strategy, test planning, and test design and implementation
  • Managed Services—Project management and staffing for test execution
  • Training—Conversion overview, conversion planning, testing strategy, test planning, and training in-house ICD-10 testers

Contact Wind Ridge International, LLC to discuss how we can help you have a successful implementation.

Tom Staab Windridge International LLC

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